In 1998, created a caste neutral community through a housing programme meant for all communities thus inspiring the “Samathuvapuram” idea in government.
In 1998, created a caste neutral community through a housing programme meant for all communities thus inspiring the “Samathuvapuram” idea in government.
He has built over 1100 pukka houses in the village. Dignified toilets: Over 1500 toilets, with bathing facility were built for the people.Over 1500 toilets, with bathing facility were built for the people
Eliminating illicit arrack in his village and finding livelihoods for hooch producing families; Prevailed over vested interests that sought to remove him as president but sought it out with people support.
Elango started a Rural Technology Resource Centre at Kuthambakkam that seeks to use appropriate technologies to train rural youth, women and farmers forlivelihood.Several micro enterprises were developed to make the village self dependent.
Elango took a tireless effort and brought the high school by upgrading the elementary school to middle school and then the middle school to high school in the year 2011 and it was further up graded to a higher secondary school in the year 2016.
Ashoka Foundation for Social Innovations is a US based International Organisation promoting social innovators across the world. R.Elango and his idea of promoting model panchayats by organising the federation of demonstrating panchayats as platform to share good practices.